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Round Up

Round Up

Restitution You Deserve

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Is Your Cancer Caused by Roundup?

Our Roundup attorneys will look into it at no cost to you. You might be eligible to sizeable compensation if you used Roundup weed killer and afterwards had a serious ailment.

Monsanto's Roundup is one of the most widely used herbicides in the world. Farmers, landscapers, nursery workers, as well as home gardeners have used this weed killer – unaware and unwarned of the potential cancer risks.


Who Has the Right to File a Lawsuit Against Roundup?

Individuals who have experienced significant harm or adverse health effects as a result of exposure to Roundup, a widely used weed killer containing the chemical glyphosate, may have the right to file a lawsuit against the manufacturer.
Numerous factors are looked at in order to determine whether a person has a solid Roundup claim. Here are a few important points:

Exposure type
Final diagnosis
Any (if any) supporting records for the application of the Roundup Patient's
Comparison of the exposure's date and the diagnosis

Get a Free Review on a Roundup Case

Investigate your legal options immediately if you think Round-Up exposure has had an impact on you or a loved one. Many law offices now provide a free Round-Up case review, allowing you to talk to knowledgeable lawyers who focus on these kinds of claims about your circumstances. In the course of reviewing your case, the attorney will consider the circumstances of your exposure, examine any possible connections between Round-Up and your health problems, and assess the strength of your claim.

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    Roundup Lawsuit FAQ

    Both, technically. Monsanto was the company that created and first produced Roundup. Bayer acquired Monsanto in 2018 and merged it into the company. When Bayer bought Monsanto, the company’s legal troubles, including the Roundup litigation, were also acquired.
    Exposure can occur by ingesting, inhalation, or direct skin contact. According to studies, it’s getting harder to avoid being exposed to Roundup. Up to 60% of the food we consume and 75% of our air and water have been found to have traces of glyphosate. Even non-Roundup-treated crops have become affected.
    Even glyphosate alone poses a threat. In Roundup, where it is combined with other chemicals, it may pose a greater risk to human health.